How To Achieve Your Dream Wedding For Less

There are many events that many people are looking forward to in their lifetimes. Some of them happen every year like birthdays and New Year celebrations. Others can be due to history and government-mandated holidays like Independence Day. However, some special events can only happen rarely in a lifetime. One of which is a wedding. Now, we are not going to argue about its sanctity and necessity. However, for most of us, we have that dream of having the best wedding ceremony.
The Choice is Yours
However, this would also entail a heavy price. It is a directly proportional relationship. The more grandiose an event would be, the larger the amount of money that you are going to spend. This is just normal for most events, but weddings seem to always take the cake for the most expensive one that you could ever arrange for yourself. It is also rather complicated as well since a lot of things are happening all at once. This is not a birthday that you can just wait while other people do things for you.
You need to be proactive and be involved in the many aspects of this celebration. This leaves a lot of couples stressed and angry about what is supposed to be their day.
This does not help the fact that it is rather expensive as well. You can have all the fun while the wedding is happening, but you will be crying right after seeing the bills. Unfortunately, a lot of couples do suffer in what we call a “happiness bias”. It is supposed to be a happy event, right? Happiness is correlated to everything big, grand and luxurious, so they tend to go all out with everything. From the food, location, to the number of guests, they will spend everything up until the end. Just like how a dentist will spend thousands of dollars on dental SEO for his business.
However, we are not incriminating those who want to spend a lot of money. After all, it is a rare event so you are allowed to throw it all in. If you have the financial capacity (and stability), then go all out by all means necessary. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with tons of cash at their disposal. Some are just living the best of what they have at the current moment. Still, this does not take away the dream of having a dream wedding. Below are some tips that you can follow to still have a dream wedding without going broke.
Wedding of a Lifetime Ain’t Have to be so Pricey

- Do not schedule your wedding in June.
The tradition of being a June bride has been going on for generations. It is during the Roman times when this started because of the worship of goddess Juno. Since then, it has been a part of Western marriage traditions. Even in religious movements, this was still followed even though they do not know why. This has led to businesses taking advantage of this way of thinking. Once June comes around, some tend to increase their prices to capitalize on the tradition.
If you want to save more money, then we suggest avoiding this month as much as possible. Don’t schedule in December either or near holidays, as some tend to do this as well.
- Choose your ring wisely.
A wedding ceremony would never be complete without any ring to match it. Most couples (especially brides) would choose to have a diamond or other precious metals and gems as their ring choice. Truthfully, these are beautiful but this comes with the enormous price tag as well. If you want to get as much value for it, why not try other alternatives. You do not need to have the biggest gemstone in town to have a great wedding ceremony. Why don’t you try something else, like a ring for example? Stores like Simply Wood Rings offer a variety of rings that would suit your taste. Even if it does not have the big stones, you would still have a beautiful ring. After all, it is the event itself that matters the most.
- Be creative with your locations.
This is one of the aspects of any wedding that would drain your budget. Hotels and other event venues are already quite pricey. As mentioned before, some of them also tend to hike their prices when it is “wedding season”. Some of their charges would usually entail the decorations as well as the food if they serve it. To avoid these, why don’t you try to decorate them on your own?
That way, you can take that off the full charge. Better yet, you can have the wedding in your backyard. You can now control what you want to be in your wedding so easily. Speaking of which…
- Limit your guest list.
Now, this is the most essential step you need to make if you want to stave off some cash from the expenses. The number of guests will affect the cost of your decorations, food for the reception as well as everything else. As we have said before, there is nothing wrong with inviting your entire neighborhood to your wedding of the century. However, you also need to think about your budget. If you have a limited amount of cash for this wedding, don’t force yourself to invite everybody else. You can just be surrounded by everyone who truly loves you, and that what’s the best weddings are made of.
There is also another option: you can always just be wed with the two of you only. Just don’t forget the rings!
- Do not force yourself to copy others.
This is also one of the biggest mistakes of some people. They want to emulate someone else’s wedding, particularly a close friend, family or even a celebrity. If you can’t help but compare your wedding to someone else, then you will be the reason why everything would fail. Make the celebration your own and forget about anything else. You are there to profess your love and devotion to the one you have chosen, and nothing else matters other than that. No matter how much money you spent on your wedding, this will not take away the true meaning of this undying tradition.