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Are Promise Rings Still A Thing? Choosing a Ring that is Best for You

Are Promise Rings Still A Thing? Choosing a Ring that is Best for You

Rings have always been a part of many people’s fashion or lifestyle. Most of them just use it as an ornament for their fingers. Some positions of power in various organizations around the world also use them as a status symbol. However, most people would think of them in a romantic application. Engagements and weddings are never complete without any rings, as it has been a part of the tradition for a long time. However, there are many types of this ornament for various applications. One of them is the promise ring.

What is a Promise Ring?

To put it into perspective, let us think about the ones used for weddings first. You give them a sign of love for one another. It is also the most official type of ring, as it is used for an actual celebration. Engagement rings are also being used, as a sign that you are already on the way to marriage. This one though is quite different.

You see, as humans, we tend to be led astray by a lot of things. As a young and blossoming couple, this is quite normal. However, you know that this other person is already the one for you. There is one problem though: you are not yet ready for a full commitment, ready for engagement and all of that. It can be complicated (as most relationships are) so it will be great to have something that can help you remember. This is especially true if you are going to be separated for a long time.

This is the role of the promise ring. It is a reminder that you need to be loyal and faithful to your partner even if you are miles apart. However, it can have different meanings depending on the couple as well. It can be because of their past experiences. A promise can mean different things in different situations. Speaking of which, there has been a lot of talk about how they are going out of style.

There are a lot of reasons for this line of thinking. For one, many people believe that you do not need it to keep a promise. Of course, this is a logical explanation. As long as you are faithful to one another, you do not necessarily need any kind of symbolism for it. However, it is a little far-off to say that it is not fashionable anymore. There are a lot of reasons why you would want to have a promise ring. Here are some tips as well to help you choose and keep the promise alive.

Choosing the One
  1. Choose a ring that symbolizes your love.

If you are going to choose a symbol of promise, then it should be something worth it. Take a look back at your experiences with each other. Is there something that stands out amongst the plethora of memories that you have? Was there a symbolic place or time of you together? You can use those as a way to commemorate the relationship that you have, Symbols of promise might not be the most serious of declarations, but it is still important to choose one that is best for both of you. 

  • Be creative with your choices.

There are many ways for you to have the promise ring of your choice. Fortunately, there are so many options now in this modern time. You do not have to be limited to the options that are considered traditional. Some couples tattoo a ring on their fingers, but this can be quite painful for some. Some options do not have precious gems on them. Simply Wood Rings offers more options that can be your choice as a symbol of your devotion to each other. Even if it may not signify marriage yet, it can still be a good thing to have. 

  • Don’t let a material thing affect your relationship.

It is not the end of the world not to have one of these things. As a couple, you must build your relationship out of trust, loyalty, and love. These material things might be beautiful, but it is not a guarantee that the love would last. You need to work hard for that, and no ring would ever change that. However, having one in your finger would be a good reminder of that love even if you are far away from each other. 

  • Use the jewelry again for your engagement.

Once you are reunited, then you can use the ring as an engagement ring. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, you can have a new pair once the wedding rolls in. You can even use that as your wedding rings as well. That is why you have to choose one that is going to be beautiful yet still means a lot to both of you.


As we have said before, there is nothing wrong with having one. However, saying that it is going out style is not true. There is still room for such sentimentality and symbolism in this modern world. A promise ring does not need to be elegant. It just has to be something that you would give importance to as a couple. However, there are a lot of ways for you to do that as well. It might not be much, but at least you have something with each other.

You may call it outdated or old-fashioned, but these symbols of promise still hold into the present society. We always pride ourselves in that we have already forgotten these concepts. However, as we have said before, you can always have this as a part of your life as a couple. There is nothing wrong with reliving these traditions and concepts even if we are already advancing as a species. Promise rings are not too cheesy, or they just belong in romance movies. It is a special commemoration of what you have as a couple, and it speaks about your future together. These may not be your final rings, but they are probably going to be the best for now.